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Campsite's average

8.26 / 10

140 average



Containers, selective sorting and composting at the campsite entrance

The bins inside the campsite are for household waste.
For bulky items, the La Baule waste collection centre is at your disposal. It is located Route du Rocher and is open from Monday to Saturday from 9am to 11.45am and from 2pm to 5.45pm.
For cardboard boxes, there is a bin for cardboard boxes near the Sports Complex, 200m from the campsite.


Here are some tips to reduce our energy consumption:
Lighting: Make the most of daylight. Don't forget to turn off the lights when leaving a room and to turn off the terrace when leaving the mobile home.
Sorting and recycling: Remember to sort paper and cardboard, plastic and glass and put them in the bins provided at the collection point at the campsite exit.
Household appliances: Turn off electrical equipment when you leave a room. Unplug appliances so that they are not left on standby. Put a lid on your pots and pans: cooking or heating times will be shorter.
Water: Don't leave water running unnecessarily: turn off the tap at the sink when brushing your teeth and the shower tap when soaping up. Report any leaks or dripping taps to the reception staff.
Getting around : Prefer to travel by bike or on foot within the site
No disposable wipes or cloths allowed in the toilets


This year, in addition to the selective sorting, a bin for bio-waste has been set up for holidaymakers and residents in the rubbish room.
Small closed bins have been put at the disposal in the accommodations with posters in order to orientate you on the compostable or not waste.
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Campsite's average

8.26 / 10

140 average

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Reviews Household waste, selective sorting and compost